How to get rich
By Felix Dennis
Date Read : 12 September 2022
My recommendation: 7/10
Key Concepts
Never trust the vast mountain of conventional wisdom. It contains great nuggets of wisdom, it is true. But they lie alongside rivers of fool's gold. Conventional wisdom daunts initiative and offers far too many convenient reasons for inaction, especially for those with a great deal to lose.
Anyone not busy learning is busy dying.
My earnest advice is to get yourself a young and fearless partner with tons of stamina. Choose him or her with care. It's your best chance to get rich.
We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our nationality. We do not choose who we fall in love with. We do not even choose the personality or character of the children we bring into the world or even our own personal characteristics - random configurations of DNA do it for us.
Team spirit is for losers, financially speaking. It's the glue that binds the losers together. It's the methodology employers use to shackle useful employees to their desk without having to pay them too much. While lives may depend on it in a few professions, like soldiering or fire-fighting, in commerce it acts as a subtle handicap and a brake to ambitious individuals. Which, in a way, is what it's designed to do.
It's the same with close friends and family members. Consciously and outwardly they may want you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. But subconsciously, often without being aware of it themselves, they might be far happier if you failed or only succeeded to a limited degree.
It is true that they (lucky people) were in the right place at the right time and did the right thing.
The three great quotes concerning 'luck' for me are these:
'Luck is preparation multiplied by opportunity.'
'The harder I practised, the luckier I got.' 'Luck is a dividend of sweat. '
All around us, every day, opportunities to get rich are popping up. The more alert you are, the more chance you have of spotting them. The more preparation you have done, the more chance you have of succeeding.
More bold you are, the better chance you have of getting in on the ground floor and confounding the odds. The more self-belief you can master, the more certain will be your aim and your timing. And the less you care what the neighbours think, the more likely you are to take the plunge and exploit an opportunity
If you never have a single great idea in your life, but become skilled in executing the great ideas of others, you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Seek them out and make them work. They do not have to be your ideas. Execution is all in this regard
Ideas don't make you rich. The correct execution of ideas does.
Team work holding you back
you have to co-op with others.
don't think your team members share their benefits with you.
You will never be rich by renting your time, you should own something and hire someone's else time.
First step is always super challenging.
Great idea is always like a diamond. put your thought into the world.
Idea must be executed and continuously evolving.
you should not care what people think. just don't give a shit to them.
you should not have only desire, but compulsion. compulsion is way more intense than regular desire. you should have a burning desire which will burn you until you execute. you should have obsession and compulsion.
Don't ever think you're unlucky. if you do, you'll fail. you should wear a hero mask.
you should not have fear of loss. you have to harness of fear.
Laugh at yourself when you fail. instantly you should willing to die for achieving that.
Think you're playing a game. there is win and lose part of that game. but you should have compulsion to win that by any means. Ref - Michael Feleps biography. he always think he has to be champion. you must hunger for gaining that.
Do not fool yourself. You're the easiest person to fool yourself.
You can fool yourself by talking to other people about your ideas. You'll feel so good when you sharing your idea. you might feel superior. you might think you've made lot of progress. but reality is you haven’t done any progress. you're unlikely to work on that stuff when you talking to people about that.
Procrastination: you're gonna start a new day from tomorrow. this mentality will ruin you.
You should continuously learning and be productive. But how you do that?
By reading or listening and writing note. you must make note what you've learnt from the article or listening podcast or watching videos. and you should come back to that note and read them regularly.